Mr. Marty the Smart Brailler has arrived. Alden (and the rest of us) just couldn't wait to pull him out of the box and get started.
Alden brailling his name
Some of the features that I love:
*When a letter is keyed is shows up in both print and visual braille on the screen. The letter is also spoken out loud, brailled by the braille head on the paper, AND saved electronically! Super Cool Crazy Awesome Stuff! (I think this is probably the feature with the most impact because it allows sighted parents/caregivers/teachers to know what is being brailled and also promotes them learning braille by sight)
*There are 3 different voices to choose from.
*You have the option to turn off the audio component. You can choose to have have only letters, words, or the entire sentence read aloud OR you can choose to have everything read aloud. Options are nice!
Check out this video
*Pretty cool right? That's a Kindergarten App that was uploaded. There are several lessons to choose from. I'm currently trying to figure out how to upload the 1st grade App.
I love the applause at the end!